It’s also fun to use wordsmithing skills to write fun challenges or to thank people.

This was to the Mid Realm general at the time marshaling up a fight for the rapier champions alternate team.

Sir Matthias Grunwald, East Kingdom Rapier Melee Champion Captain to General Moira Eiriksdottir, Rapier General of the MidRealm army, greetings.

As it is just, proper, and honorable to strive to better oneself on the field of battle, and because there is no fiercer, worthy, and honorable opponent than our mighty cousins of the Dragon, We the East Kingdom Rapier Alternate Champions, with the support, love and encouragement of our Royals do wish to challenge like minded Midrealm gentles to the field of combat  immediately after the  Melee Champions have tested themselves.

Signed on the Feast of St. Pantaleon the Martyr,  AS LIV 

This next one was part of my public thank you for all the crazy people who planned and executed the items for me to be inducted into the order of defense in 3 weeks!!!

To all the Dukes, Duchesses, Countesses, Masters, Maistres, Mistresses, Baronesses Barons, Lords, and Scions, who labored on the planning, preparation, and execution of a panoply befitting an elevation to the Order of Defense do I Meister Matthias Grunwald  Master of Defense, Knight of the Society, send greetings. 

Since human memory is short and does not suffice for a crowd of things, the authority of those who preceded our age, has decreed that those things were to be written down which the progress of fleeting time generally removes from the knowledge of men.  As such I put down with these words those who labored feverishly, quickly and in darkness on the Collars, Cloak, and Glove presented to my person; the eloquent, forceful, and poignant speeches attesting to my worthiness to join the august order; and the crafting of the words, calligraphy, illumination and presentations to memorialize the occasion for all time, do I grant a boon.  If it is in my power to do so, does not cause me to forsake prior oaths, or bring shame to myself or those that depend on me I will endeavor to fulfill what you require with all haste, speed and alacrity.

So, none may have cause to gainsay these words do I seal them with my Ensigns Manual.

Meister Matthias Grunwald

It’s possible there could be a part III to this series, but I might just keep those words private.