• Back after a Break — How to start an assignment
    Been busy and then recovering since last May but still did a lot of wordsmithing assignments that I’ll be sharing some in the coming weeks. I took a little time to reflect back. First scroll text I did was in June 2018 over that 6 years I’ve worked on 93 scroll texts and I doubt I’m the most prolific wordsmith out there. Still that is a decent number and I thought I give a few tips on getting started I’ve picked up.
  • Barrett the Map Maker — Court Barony w/ GoA
    This was an assignment for a backlog scroll. After digging around a bit I wasn’t having much luck finding out specific information so I turned to one of my favorite charters. The Foundation of the University of Heidelberg AD. 1386 By The Elector of the Palatinate, Ruprecht I http://avalon.law.yale.edu/medieval/heidelbe.asp Here’s what I came up with We, Ivan and Matilde, Tsar and Tsarista of these Eastern Lands by these present and ever-certain letters send greetings. Lest we seem to abuse the privilege conceded to us by our deeds, with the Granting of Arms to our Barrett the Map Maker, and less… Read more: Barrett the Map Maker — Court Barony w/ GoA
  • Symon of Barnesdale — Augmentation of Arms
    This one was a fun one, as one of the ways to give scrolls a more period feel is to grant rights and concessions to the recipient. Symon was deservedly getting this augmentation of arms for all the extra work he did in the kingdom web minster office during the pandemic, especially around the producing of ethereal courts so I wanted to play on that at bit as well. I turned to one of my favorite repository of sources the Epistolae which is a wonderful repository of letters from medival women (with translations!). Picking a source, this is what I… Read more: Symon of Barnesdale — Augmentation of Arms
  • Guthfrith Yrlingson — Order of Defense
    I’ve been impressed with Guthfrith ever since I met him as the Baron of Ruantallan. Beyond being a wonderful steward for his people he has always been a skilled fencer giving back to the community. There was some back and forth on this one if it would be an etheral award or wait (as this was July 2021). Eventually it was ok’d as an etheral award. The Signet asked if I could do one day turn on the words so it could be read into court. Always up for a challenge I accepted. Based on Githfrith personal I looked to… Read more: Guthfrith Yrlingson — Order of Defense
  • Caccia Trice Sthenone — Silver Tyger
    I travel a lot so frequently am called upon to carry scrolls to events. It is service I’m happy to do, and usually am very diligent about it. For this Silver Tyger scroll it would be presented at the Beltane event in Canada that I was going to so happy to ferry it up. Once I was at the event and settled I discovered to my horror that I forgot the scroll! Consulting with the Signet and Vox Regis I war wordsmithed these words at the event to have something to read into to the court record and was able… Read more: Caccia Trice Sthenone — Silver Tyger